
Browse our collection of helpful tips and tools we’ve compiled for you. Download PDFs packed with tips on topics such as teaching your children to read, renting or buying a home, eating nutritious foods, and more.

Grant Writing Resources

Learn about grant writing through these Capacity Building Trainings.

Grant Writing 101

Learn about what constitutes success, where to research grant opportunities and grant writing basics. View PDF.



Learn about the financial components of grant applications including required documentation. View PDF.


Logic Models

Learn how to build a logic model to help demonstrate how the activities of your project will achieve your intended results.


COVID-19 Tools

Learn more about vaccines and find resources at the links below.

Mighty Change COVID-19 Toolkit and Resource Guide

This toolkit and resource guide includes links to various COVID-19 resources. Some resources available in multiple languages.

COVID-19 Vaccine Resources

Visit this link for a comprehensive list of COVID-19 vaccination resources. Pediatric and disability resources available as well.

Financial Tools

These resources provide tips and articles to assist with a variety of financial topics like debt, renting or buying, emergency resources, car buying and more.

10 Tips to Improve Financial Stability

Get tips on buying a car, applying for credit, debt relief, and more in this PDF.


Smart Spending Plan

Use this guide to help you track how much money comes into your home and how it needs to be divided to meet expenses, reduce debt and reach your financial goals.


Improve Credit

Get a better understanding of credit reports, credit scores, and all the basics you need to know.


Eliminate Debt

You may be overwhelmed by being in a continuous cycle of debt, where bills and expenses seem to keep piling up and with no relief in sight. With this debt reduction plan, help is available.


Smart Banking Tips

Here are a few reasons you may want to consider keeping your money in a bank or credit union and how to manage your account.


Tips to Car Buying

A car can be a critical factor in getting and keeping a job and moving up the career ladder toward financial independence.


Student Loan, Grant Opportunities

As the cost of higher education continues to escalate, more and more individuals rely on student loans to help with college expenses. See some strategies that may help reduce tuition costs.


Choosing Housing: Rent vs. Buy

Shelter is one of our most basic needs. Whether you choose to rent or purchase a home or need housing assistance, there are several considerations for each option.


Emergency Resources

When you need help immediately, we have advice for food assistance, insurance, income support, and other resources.


Tax Credits for Working Families

Claiming tax credits can be a complex process, and this might provide some help to get you started.


Educational Tools

Learn more about quality care for children in our community and how to qualify for a child care scholarship at the links below.

Support Our Super Heroes

Throughout the year, we are showing our appreciation for the extraordinary educators who: help us identify gaps, enable community collaboration focused on early literacy, and work tirelessly to ensure every third-grader reads proficiently.

Summer Learning Curriculum

During the summer months, it is imperative that children have educational opportunities to expand on learning that occurred during the regular school year. These opportunities ensure that they enter school in the Fall with enhanced knowledge and skills.

Quality Afterschool Programs Directory

Search for programs near you based on activities available, ages served, or special features, including financial assistance, availability of summer programs, and more.

Childcare Scholarships

Quality First Scholarships help low-income families afford quality early care and education for their young children.

Quality Childcare Locator

Use the search tool at this link to find early care and education programs near you that participate in Quality First.

Nutrition Tools

Find ways you and your family can learn more about healthy eating and start making every day nutritious.

Summer Food Service Program Activity Resource Guide

The SFSP was established by the USDA to ensure that children in low-income families continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session.
