Even during the darkest of hours, in the most helpless of circumstances, when you feel the odds are stacked against you, hope is not lost.
Where do you turn when you have nowhere to go? Where do you find help when poverty strikes? You find an outstretched hand. Not just one hand, but thousands who stand united, shoulder-to-shoulder to bring together the resources, the partnerships, the volunteers, the hope to help every person who needs it.
We imagine a community where every individual has an opportunity to succeed and Maricopa County thrives as a result.
United, we help young students who struggle to read, people experiencing homelessness and veterans throughout the Valley.
United, we end hunger in the classroom so kids can succeed in school.
United, we work with hard-working families, so they don’t have to choose between paying rent or putting food on the table.
Poverty strikes in countless ways. We unite people in countless ways to fight it.
United, we lift individuals, families and neighborhoods
to break the cycle of poverty for good.
When we unite, anything is possible. Unite to break the cycle of poverty.
>> Unite