3 Ways We Serve Valley Veterans

While those in the military are taught to “StandDown” as a means to withdraw or disengage in force or combat, we at Valley of the Sun United Way are proud to stand up for Arizona veterans.

Take a look at how we serve the brave men and women who serve our country every day.

1. We work to end chronic homelessness for veterans.

Permanent Supportive Housing

A nationally proven model providing on-site health and human services moving people experiencing chronic homelessness to independent, supportive living by addressing complex issues such as a disability, substance abuse or mental illness.

  • Of the 1,200 units developed by 2015, 25 percent are dedicated for veterans.

Arizona StandDown

  • An annual two-day event providing thousands of veterans experiencing homelessness with resources – from health and employment services to housing prospects – to improve their lives.
  • Served nearly 1,700 veterans in 2015.
  • Since 2011, served more than 5,000 veterans.
  • United Way is recruiting volunteers for StandDown on Jan. 28 & 29, 2016.
Volunteer Today

Henry’s Story

Project Connect

Monthly event bringing more than 30 vital health and human services to one accessible location reaching people experiencing or at-risk of homelessness. The tools and resources help these community members find their way back to health and wellness.

  • In the last five years, served more than 17,000 Project Connect guests; 10-12 percent of guests self-identified as veterans.
  • Each month, partner with several veterans organizations to provide targeted services.

2. We work to increase financial stability of veterans and their families.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)

Work with diverse partners to provide free tax preparation and financial education services to low and moderate income individuals and families to end the cycle of poverty.

  • In 2015, eleven percent of VITA recipients self-identified as veterans.

3. We work to ensure children of veterans succeed in school and life.

Valley of the Sun United Way School Readiness Kits

Learning resource with more than 80 activities and tips helping parents prepare their child for kindergarten. Toolkits focus on the math and reading skills needed to start school.

  • Partner annually with Luke Air Force Base and provide School Readiness Kits for veteran families.
Volunteer For Veterans Today
