How to Help Your Hungry Neighbors

Written by Mei Cobb
Contributions by Valley of the Sun United Way

In a country with an abundance of food and great wealth, it is shocking that last year 41 million people struggled with hunger in the United States, including more than 12 million children. There are hungry people in every community, rich and poor. In the face of such a daunting problem, we do well to remember the words of Mother Teresa, “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.”

Although this may be top of mind with the holidays coming up, it is important to continue to take action throughout the year. The food banks, soup kitchens and community gardens in our community will continue to need you to help “feed just one.” Anyone can find a volunteer role that suits their skills and schedule. Here are a few ideas:

  • Sort food, check expiration dates, and pack food for distribution at a food bank
  • Distribute food to families facing hunger, area nonprofits or your faith community
  • Maintain and harvest fresh produce grown at local farms or community gardens
  • Run a food drive at your business, organization, department, school, or civic group
  • Organize or join a meal-packing event so that families and children have shelf-stable meals at the ready year-round
  • Assemble Share the Love food boxes for local families
  • Provide office support at food collection centers
  • Urge your elected officials to protect SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), which helps put food on the table for many working families who struggle to get by

Check out our volunteer calendar to find a good way to volunteer. We have multiple partners working to end hunger in the Valley that are looking for volunteers year round.

People from all walks of life can become food insecure; many Americans are just one financial struggle away from being hungry. It takes volunteers banding together to help our neighbors, one meal at a time.
