At Valley of the Sun United Way, we love uniting our community. Whether we are uniting volunteers with community partners to fight for a cause, uniting companies in our community with schools, or uniting families with the resources they need, we do it every day to fight for kids, families, and neighborhoods. An amazing partner that is always there whenever someone asks us for help is 2-1-1 Arizona.
What Is 2-1-1?
Think about 2-1-1 like a directory that doesn’t require sifting through too much information to find the right answer. Anyone can call, go online, or use the app to find the kind of agency you’re looking for. Thanks to this community information and referral service, any of these methods will get people connected to the top service needs. For June and July this included things like school supplies, housing, rent assistance, and more.
Why 2-1-1?
We have a large number of great partners in the Valley. 2-1-1 Arizona is specifically designed to make sure people get connected to the right, local, direct services agency with experience and services related to their situation.
To Find Resources In Your Area:
CALL 2-1-1 or 877-211-8661
SEARCH the online resource database at 211arizona.org
DOWNLOAD the 2-1-1 app for Apple or Android