Gardening with Girl Scouts for Women’s History Month

Operation Uplift partnered with the Arizona-Cactus-Pine Girl Scouts and our friends from the Tiger Mountain Foundation to celebrate Women’s History Month by tidying up the Garden of Tomorrow, located in South Phoenix. The Tiger Mountain Foundation’s volunteers made sure that the girls understood the importance of gardening as well as its positive effects on our environment.

Throughout the day, the 40+ girls from several troops were taught how to manage the gardens; why, when, where, and how certain plants grow; and about the little organisms and bugs that help them do so. The girls also completed mini projects like encouragement cards to go in our WeekEnd Hunger Backpacks, along with other fun crafts to learn about the most important women in history.

An atmosphere of excitement and wonder surrounded the girls as Tiger Mountain’s volunteers made sure to encourage, appreciate, and motivate these amazing future women while helping them plant, water, and harvest. The girls embraced the importance of celebrating Women’s History Month while learning how they can better support their community.

“This past weekend I lead a booth and participated in the United Way gardening event. This event was important because children got too plant vegetables and herbs themselves. I liked that we got to know what organic, non-processed food tastes like. Not a lot of children today have that same opportunity. Also, not enough people care about our environment. At the gardening event, children got to see and experience how to care and give back to the environment. My favorite part in that event was watching the children’s faces light up when they got to plant vegetables in the soil, and seeing a worm or ladybug. And, of course, leading my booth. I’d like to thank the United Way for providing an awesome opportunity for me and my Girl Scout sisters.” – Anaya Shivers, Cadet, Troop 436

At the end of the day, the girls earned their Women’s History patch, their Operation Uplift patch, but most importantly, they felt empowered and excited to be the amazing women of tomorrow. We are grateful to have united to create a space and opportunity for the Girl Scouts and volunteers to come together and grow beautiful things in our community.

“Through Girl Scouting, girls see the Earth as their home. Whether they’re learning about endangered wildlife, developing creative recycling projects, or working toward a grade-level award, girls focus on care, conservation, and responsibility. They make sure the beauty and wonder of our planet endure for future generations to enjoy. We inspire girls to develop a lasting commitment to the environment.” – Girl Scouts

If you, your group, or corporation want to join the fight for neighborhoods in Maricopa County, get involved in Operation Uplift’s community projects. Check out our list of April Volunteer Events to find an event near you.
