June’s Volunteer Activities

If you are looking for a hands-on way to join the fight to end poverty in Maricopa County, join us at any of these volunteer activities this month!

BizTown – Junior Achievement with Crockett Elementary

Friday, June 1st
8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Junior Achievement of Arizona (Map)

Help students of Crockett Elementary school have a hands-on experience in workplace skills, personal and business finance, and economics in BizTown at the Junior Achievement of Arizona. Volunteers will mentor students to help them make decisions in their business and show them how the skills they learn in school can apply in the real world.

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Book Sort

Wednesday, June 27th
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Southwest Human Development (Map)

Volunteers will prepare books to be sent to local children’s resource and physician’s offices.

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A Day of Action at Project Connect

Thursday, June 21st
7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. with various shifts available
Mesa InterStake Center (Map)

You can come together with your local community and become part of a national movement to break the cycle of poverty as volunteers across the country participate in Day of Action 2018.

Take action and fight to end homelessness when you volunteer at Project Connect. Here, we work with community partners to provide solutions that address the root causes of homelessness and help people start the journey back to health, financial stability, and housing. Services include things like a meal, clothing, showers, job placement, housing assistance, and more. There are several options and shifts available for volunteer opportunities at these events including our greatest need, guest guides, as well as data entry, guest registration, and tear down.

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Book Drive

This summer
Any time

Help kids keep an active mind this summer by providing books for summer reading programs like the Summer Learning Collaborative that work to improve and maintain local students’ reading skills. You can partner with your family or coworkers to begin a book drive and donate your books to a participating Desert Schools branch or contact volunteer@vsuw.org to coordinate a drop-off time at the Valley of the Sun United Way office.

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