Encourage Reading in the Valley

One of the most important things kids learn is how to read. When families read together, it strengthens a child’s reading skills. However, some families don’t have any books at home. To encourage families to read together and provide them the support they need, Book in a Bag gives them books to start their own at home library, as well as reading tips and reading activities for the kids.

Get Involved Over Spring Break!

You can be a part of offering this opportunity to local families and children this spring break on Tuesday, March 13th. Join other volunteers to make Book in a Bags at the United Way Impact Center (view map) from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Valley of the Sun United Way has a goal to gather 3,000 Book in a Bags to hand out to kids and families at the Avondale KidsFest on Saturday, April 7th.


Can’t Make This Date?

This is an easy activity to do from the comfort of your own home!

  1. Get your favorite children’s book to give a new home
  2. Gather paper bags and your favorite crafting materials
  3. Decorate your bag with the book characters or other inspirational drawings
  4. Place the book inside the bag
  5. Contact us to drop it off – volunteer@vsuw.org or (602) 631-4868

That’s all it takes to help a family read together, and you can do it any time. Download the flyer below for more information.

