3 Unexpected Halloween Tips

We all know the basic safety tips for getting our little goblins ready to trick-or-treat. Like making sure costumes have reflecting pieces so they’re easily seen, wearing comfortable shoes, and of course checking your child’s candy. But these three tips may include some things you didn’t think about.

1. Check the Length on Your Child’s Costume

After your child has their costume on, check for any pieces of their costume that may drag on the ground. You will want to make sure they don’t have any parts like princess skirts, long pirate belts, or ghost sheets that could be stepped on, causing them to trip, or that could get caught on something and tear the costume.

2. Fill Up with a Nutritious Meal

When Halloween is on a week night, the timing of everything can make for a very busy day. While it may be hard to find the time to do so, filling your child’s belly with a nutritious dinner before trick-or-treating will leave less room for them to indulge on their sweet snacks when they return home. Plus it will give them the proper energy to have a positive attitude while walking the streets in their spooky getup!

3. Test Your Makeup

If you are using makeup to complete your little monster’s look, it is a good idea to test the makeup on a small area, possibly on their arm, before covering the face and leaving the house. This will let you know if your child will have any reactions to their makeup and prevent leaving trick-or-treating early to have to wash it all away.

Most importantly, HAVE FUN!

We hope your family has a Happy Halloween!

PLUS: Check out these Halloween children’s books for a holiday bedtime story!
