Did you know that 604,200 adults, seniors, and children experience hunger in Maricopa County?1 Of that, approximately 82,000 households, or about 211,000 individuals, experience chronic hunger. This means these families and children don’t know where their next meal is coming from 3 out of 4 times a month or 7 out of 12 times a year. With our volunteers, donors, and partners – we are working to reduce chronic food insecurity in households by 67%, equaling 55,000 homes.
Here’s What We Achieved This Year
Community and School Gardens
With proper placement of gardens, neighbors will be able to work together to grow their own fresh vegetables and herbs in a community garden. These communities are taught techniques and tips to keeping a garden healthy so their crops will continue to grow!
Placing gardens in schools gives children the opportunity to experience a hands-on science lesson while also learning how to keep a garden for themselves. In the last few months, we:
- Built 25 gardens
- Trained 9 community gardener leaders in Maryvale
- Had 22 individuals graduate the Central City Spring Garden Workshop series
- Increased knowledge on 3 of 3 gardening skills for 100% of participants
- Goal for 2018: 15 garden sites, 30 gardens, and 30 garden leaders trained
Health and Human Service Promotoras
Promotoras are community leaders that assist individuals and families in their neighborhoods to help them find human service and food access resources.
For example, Promotor Sr. Marcelino shared that he had met a diabetic community member in jeopardy of losing his foot who was without insurance. He had information about Wesley Health Center/Services and referred the gentleman. After being seen at Wesley, the gentleman called Promotor Marcelino and told him they are going to be able to save his foot and that he is on a treatment plan. He also stated he was extremely grateful for Promotor Marcelino’s intervention!
This is just one of many experiences/impacts being made by Promotoras in Maryvale, securing the overall health, safety and well-being of their community. So far:
- In Maryvale, there are 31 trained Promotoras
- We are planning to expand Promotoras to Central City, Alhambra, Cartwright, and Guadalupe
- Goal for 2018: 40 more Promotoras
Wise Choices
Through our Wise Choices program, trusted members of the community are being trained to help their neighbors make healthy eating and financial decisions. These “home economics” classes “train-the-trainer” and can help community members help themselves. This year:
- 10 community members have been trained
- More classes are scheduled for this month
- These trainers are improving nutrition knowledge, food access, and financial literacy
- Goal for 2018: 60 more trainers
Ending Hunger in the Classroom
When children come to class hungry, they come unfocused and struggle to follow lessons in class. With Breakfast in the Classroom, students are given a nutritious start to every day with a healthy breakfast in their class.
- Alternative school breakfast is available in 67 schools in Maricopa County
- These programs are feeding 47,723 students each school day
- Goal for 2018: Start the Breakfast in the Classroom program in 30 more schools
This program was able to provide assistance in this way thanks to all our donors who gave to support Breakfast in the Classroom at the 2017 Women Unite Luncheon. Thank you for making it possible!
Emergency Food System
For families and individuals in need of a meal, there are emergency food programs available. By supporting these organizations:
- Emergency food was supplied to 439,385 people
- Emergency meals were provided to 7,126 people
- 22,668 people were able to enroll in nutrition programs
- Goal for 2018: Maintain a strong emergency food system for those who are in need in the Valley
As we continue to stand united against hunger, keep an eye out for more updates and stay involved!
Get Involved!
1. http://map.feedingamerica.org/county/2015/overall/arizona/county/maricopa