What is Our Progress on the Fight to End Poverty?

In Maricopa County there are hundreds of individuals, volunteers, donors, and organizations out there raising their hands to make change happen. These are the people dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty, ready to be the game changers, making a difference in the lives of local families every day. This year our volunteers, donors, and partners have made amazing things happen in our community.

Fight to End Poverty

All of these things happened because our volunteers and partners showed up to make a change. These are the changes that help children succeed, end hunger and homelessness and increase the financial stability of families and individuals in the Valley.

Fight to End Homelessness

Fighting to give people a safe and supportive place to call home is not only helping to end homelessness but is also saving our community more than $33 million per year. In 11 sites throughout the Valley, more than 1,200 people live in Permanent Supportive Housing and are getting back on their feet.

Fight for Children to Succeed

Helping children succeed isn’t an overnight process or something that can be achieved alone. It means helping students take hold of today and feel prepared for tomorrow. Just this year we were able to make great progress, in both today and tomorrow.

One in five children in Arizona suffers from hunger, which affects attention, learning and lifelong success. With our Breakfast in the Classroom program, 67 schools provided breakfast every day to more than 47,000 students. Starting the day with a nutritious breakfast ensures children are ready to take on the day with a focused mind.

Together, we made sure more than 107,000 hours were spent mentoring students and 136,000 youth in out of school programs were supported. Because of this, 86% reported back saying they are more optimistic about their future and their ability to handle life’s uncertainties.

United, we fight to break the cycle of poverty for every child, individual and family in our community.

Break the Cycle Today!

*Q3 FY ’17
