What Comes Around Goes Around

Rasheedah’s Story

Rasheedah Long is a single mother of four kids, ages 21, 15, 5, and 2. When her daughter became sick, she lost a new job of two months leaving her with debt from nursing school, bills for the home, and no way to pay. Thanks to Helping the Working Poor funds, Rasheedah was recently able to go back to school to earn a degree so she could better provide for her family.

She received assistance from Chandler Christian Community Center, a Valley of the Sun United Way partner. They were able to help with some of her school debt and electricity.

Providing Opportunity

“Helping the Working Poor funds we receive from Valley of the Sun United Way, they help us to do our R.I.S.E. (Resources, Information, Support and Education) program where we have a case manager who works with people to help them move to a higher wage job,” said Trinity Donovan, Chandler Christian Community Center CEO.

At the center, people gain access to services such as food boxes, parenting classes, early education classes, rent and utility assistance, homeless programs and more. A case worker can be assigned to ensure they receive the proper services and have an action plan for further success.

Setting Goals

The financial assistance and her case worker, Maria, working with Rasheedah, allowed her to focus on her board exams so she can become a register nurse and, hopefully, get a higher paying job.

“I set goals with her,” said Rasheedah. “I’m accountable for the goals I set.” Maria also encouraged Rasheedah to volunteer. “I was here one day for one of my meetings and she said, ‘why don’t you go volunteer?’ It was a lightbulb that I was looking for.”

Giving Back

Now, Rasheedah is ready to help others. “I want to give back,” she said. “I’m very grateful and thankful for these programs.”

“It’s really gratifying to see how we can come together as a community to help Rasheedah and many other people be able to get back on their feet and get a job that can help them support their family,” said Trinity.

You can help hardworking people like Rasheedah find opportunity by donating to the Helping the Working Poor fund. Your donation is a dollar-for-dollar state tax credit eligible donation for up to $400 for single filer and $800 for couples.

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