3 Big Reasons to Join the WIN UNITED Scavenger Hunt

Have Fun While Supporting Hardworking Families in the Valley on Feb 25

Have what it takes to compete in the 4th Annual Gen U Scavenger Hunt? Prove it! On Saturday, February 25, challenge your friends and colleagues to join forces with you to win awesome prizes. Each team is encouraged to begin fundraising as soon as they create a team, up until the day of the hunt.

Funds received add points to the total points you earn during the hunt for a chance to get a prize. The money raised by you and your team can help a child do better in school, provide a meal to someone who might not otherwise eat today or get a struggling family back on its feet, fueling United Way’s efforts to break the cycle of poverty in Maricopa County.

Why Sign Up?

People in your community are joining in the WIN UNITED Scavenger Hunt, presented by UPS and coordinated by Generation United, for these three reasons:

  1. Philanthropy: You and your team can earn extra points and help break the cycle of poverty in the valley by fundraising before the hunt. Don’t know a good goal to set? Try starting with a goal of $100, that’s only four donations of $25!
  2. Fun: Start the fun on February 25 at CityScape in downtown and continue the adventure through Phoenix by snapping photos on Instagram using the special hashtag: #WinUnited17 to earn points. Prizes, clues, and other incentives will go to teams who meet and exceed their fundraising goals!
  3. Friendships: Whether you meet up with old friends or make a few new ones, you’ll be sure to bond with your team and others during the thrilling day finding fun facts and hidden clues.

Be a part of this exciting event. Start a team or sign up, today! Thanks for using your influence to break the cycle of poverty with United Way. See you on February 25!

I’m In!