This Holiday Season, Get Back What You Give!

Donate to the Help the Working Poor Fund and get back with a
dollar-for-dollar tax credit

The time for giving is upon us. What better way to give than to help hardworking families get back on their feet, especially if it puts money back in your wallet?

Meet Sandra and Mike

Sandra and her husband Mike both lost their jobs at the same time. Unable to pay their bills, the couple and their two children ended up on the streets, frightened and not knowing where their next meal would come from.

“I felt worthless,” Mike said, feeling as though he had failed in his roles as husband and father.

Thanks to the support from generous donors to Valley of the Sun United Way’s Helping the Working Poor fund, they were able to secure housing, receive resume-writing assistance, clothing for interviews, and financial education. Sandra and Mike are working again and saving for a home.

Once families enter the cycle of poverty, it is not easy to break. With the Helping the Working Poor Fund, families in the Valley are provided with resources they need to succeed, thrive, and break the cycle.

“We got our dignity back,” Sandra said.

Donate today for Your Dollar-For-Dollar Tax Credit

When you donate any amount, up to $400* for single filers or $800* for couples, to United Way’s Helping the Working Poor fund, you help people like Sandra and Mike, and you receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit in return.

‘Tis the season! Give today, get later.

*Valley of the Sun United Way is not a tax advisor. As with any financial recommendation, contact a qualified tax professional for expert advice on your specific tax situation.