We want a pet.
We want a pet.
What kind of pet
should we get?
Those are a few lines from the previously never-before-seen picture book by Dr. Seuss, What Pet Should I Get?, this year’s featured book for Read Across America.
Read Across America is an annual event created by the NEA that coincides with Seuss’s birthday, March 2. The program provides children the resources and motivation to keep on reading every day throughout the year.
This year United Way celebrates this event the entire week of Feb. 29-March 4, with volunteers reading to children at 20 Valley elementary schools. You can make a lasting difference in the life of a child.
Committed to inspiring the lifelong love of literacy and learning that research shows is so critical to a student’s success, Valley of the Sun United Way has celebrated Read Across since 2009. Hundreds of volunteers have stepped up, and thousands of books have been distributed through our bonus book program with Scholastic, Inc.
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Kids who particpate in Read Across America Week from Feb. 29- Mar. 4, will even get to take some books home thanks to these volunteers!
For parents, there are no limits to the way you can celebrate Read Across America with your young readers. Here are just a few ideas from the NEA:
Read What Pet Should I Get aloud to, or with, a child
Consider toy animals as potential reading buddies
Imagine a new kind of pet
Create culinary delights for unusual pets in One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
Toast their creative cooking ideas with a Pink Ink Yink Drink. Combine in a blender:
- 4–6 large strawberries (fresh or frozen)
- 4 ice cubes (if using fresh strawberries)
- 2–3 tablespoons vanilla yogurt
- ½ cup orange juice
- blender
- glasses and straws
Blend until smooth and frothy. Serve in a glass with a straw. Start drinking and winking!