Ashley Cutler: Member Spotlight

Work Title: Business Development Executive, BDN Aero Space Marketing

Member since: 2010

The next Gen U event is at Salvation Army. You volunteered there with Gen U before, what’s your most memorable moment from that event?

I’ve volunteered at the Salvation Army for the Christmas Angel program multiple times. Every single year it makes me smile to see so many adults yell with excitement that they get to shop for a Power Ranger or princess toy. Everyone is in such a joyful mood and it’s a great way to get into the holiday spirit.

You recently held a Party With A Purpose for United Way–do tell!

It was so easy and fun! I was in the midst of planning my 3-year-old son’s birthday party when I heard about Party With A Purpose. I realized that was the perfect way to start educating him about giving back while also making an impact for kids who are less fortunate. I talked to him about how his birthday was a celebration for him and for other kids in the community and he was excited to “give to friends!”

I asked those attending to give cash instead of toys with half going to the United Way and the other half going to my son’s toy fund. He had so much fun shopping for his new toys! For those who couldn’t make it, United Way made it easy to sign up and create a page to support the community, no one had trouble giving online, and it started a great dialogue between our friends and family. All in all, we raised $250 for the community! It was a great time and I’m excited to keep the tradition going every year.

When was the last time you tried something new? What was it?

Putting together a toy motorcycle. Who knew you only need a bottle of wine and patient friends!

What makes you smile?

Lots of things! But I would have to say my son. The joy he gives to not only myself but all the people he comes into contact with, amazes me. Children bring a special gift that reminds us that the simple things in life should make us smile and laugh a good belly laugh!

Have you ever not spoken up when you knew you should have?

Can’t remember that I have. I’m known to be blunt and outspoken. And guess what? I’ve never regretted it! I’ve definitely learned from it, but life is too short to not speak your mind or admit your feelings, just be able to back it up.

If you could instill one piece of advice in a newborn baby’s mind, what advice would you give?

To listen to your gut and always at least try because you will never know unless you try. I know that is more than one piece of advice, but life is too complicated for just one piece of advice!

What small act of kindness were you once shown that you will never forget?

A friend of mine left a small gift on my doorstep recently. It was a simple, small gift with the nicest note that really helped me feel uplifted. The smallest gestures can be the most thoughtful and make the biggest impact. We forget that we really do have the power to make a difference, and it really can be that easy.

Can you think of a time when impossible became possible?

Too many times to list them all. No matter what, you can always try a little harder and a little more. There is almost always a way, you just need to learn from the mistakes, take initiative and get creative. A great example is from a friend of mine who was after a new sponsor. The sponsor kept putting him off and delaying the conversation and said to keep calling until he said yes. My friend set an alarm on his phone for the same time every day and called him at that same time, every day for two weeks until…guess what? He got the sponsor and they have been a successful team ever since.

What motivates you to be your best?

There are so many things that motivate me but I would have to say that making my parents and my son proud is at the top of the list. I am very fortunate to have a supportive family and they have given me more than I could ever ask for, when I didn’t even know I needed it. That motivates me to do my best to make them happy and do so for those that are less fortunate than I am.

If you had the opportunity to get a message across to a large group of people, what would your message be?

To remember to be in the present moment and to not be afraid to take initiative. With social media and the fast pace of life, I feel that we often get caught up in “the ideal” and overanalyzing everything. As a result, we forget to be in the present moment and become lazy. Quit your excuses people! You really can do something about it; just do it! United Way has made it so easy to give just by throwing a fun party with your friends. Think about throwing a Party With A Purpose when you have your holiday party, it is such an easy way to give back and take the initiative with your friends and family to educate them about their communities needs.
