Wages and income can be a tough subject, especially for the one-in-five Arizonans who live in poverty. How can hardworking families keep more of the money they earn each year?
Well by seeking out United Way’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), a program focused on connecting every qualified Maricopa County taxpayer to a tax credit that could lighten their financial load. Trained volunteers prepare and e-file tax returns for families to receive the maximum benefits available, saving them hundreds of dollars in preparer fees.
So why is VITA not only good for our community, but also a healthy choice for you, too?
- You Could Be Eligible for Tax Perks: Did you make $60,000 or less in 2014? You may qualify for free tax prep at a VITA site or via MyFreeTaxes.com. As an additional incentive, you may also get more money back through the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), hardworking families keep more of what they earn by lowering the amount of taxes owed each year. Research finds that EITC encourages work, reduces poverty and leads to long-term gains in child health and academic success. Don’t qualify? Spread the word to someone you know who could benefit from visiting a VITA site or understanding the EITC.
- Volunteering is Good for You: New studies show that volunteering makes you happier. VITA volunteers do meaningful work in the fight against poverty. You don’t even have to be an accountant t to help! Translators and greeters are needed too.
- Local Economy Boost Helps Us All: Last year, Valley of the Sun United Way helped taxpayers receive $2,206,434 in total refunds. By getting all of their tax refund, families were able to use this money for food, clothing, housing, and other necessities and put that money right back into our community. These achievements are due to the hard work of more than 60 volunteers who contributed nearly 2,600 hours at our VITA Sites.
VITA is solution that lifts millions of children and working families out of poverty each year.
Come be a part of the solution.