Retire United
We are champions of a caring community.
Who We Are
Retire United is a group of dedicated and engaged individuals getting ready to retire and retirees who are passionate about the mission of United Way. We want all children and youth to succeed, all families to be self-sufficient, and all people to enjoy maximum health and independence.
More to Explore
Valley of the Sun United Way invites you to explore different activities and create new passions – whether its helping kids achieve as a classroom advisor mentoring youth to graduate high school, ensuring young kids get a head start so they’re ready for school, or assisting families to become financially independent – to help you find your niche.
So join us as we LIVE UNITED and kick start the next exciting chapter of your life.
“Our generation thought we could change the world. As a retired baby boomer, I still think we can. Large numbers of boomers are retiring every day. These are people with knowledge, skills and time. The potential of this growing group is incredible and virtually unlimited… I am fascinated by what could be accomplished.” – John, Retire United Member

Volunteering with Vello
Members in Action
Member Profiles

Get to know Pat Egan. Pat has been a Retire United member and Vello volunteer the past 3 school years.