Are You Ready For Tax Season?

When preparing taxes, there are a lot of items to remember to gather. It can be easy to forget some of the things you could be getting money back for, like philanthropic giving. Don’t forget to look for these!

Did You Donate to a Charity?

Anything donated to an eligible charity can be itemized and put on your taxes for the amount you could have sold them for. These donations may include:

  • Food
  • Books
  • Clothing

Did You Volunteer?

According to IRS’s 2015 Publication 526, resources used or needed to participate in a volunteer event can also be tax deductible.1 This includes:

  • Cost of gas and oil to drive to and from the volunteer location
  • Parking
  • Public transportation cost
  • Any uniform related cost including purchasing and cleaning

Did You Look For Tax Credit Donations?

Get More – Tax Credits Like Helping the Working Poor Fund

Valley of the Sun United Way’s Helping the Working Poor fund is a credit offering tax payers MORE. With changes to this fund, you’re now able to GIVE MORE, GET MORE, and you have MORE TIME to donate!

Give More

Donors can now give more to the Helping the Working Poor fund, up to $400 for singles and $800 for couples.

Get More

Tax-payers who choose to donate to this fund get every dollar of the money donated back in their 2016 taxes.

More Time

You now have more time to apply this to your 2016 taxes! Donations can be made and applied to your 2016 taxes through April 15, 2017.

The Helping the Working Poor fund provides financial education, childcare, and job training for hardworking families in Maricopa County so they can get back on their feet. Your donation builds a stronger community and gives you control over where those tax dollars go.

Donate Today!
