You don’t have to be an elected official to make your voice heard! Today is National Voter Registration Day. If you have changed your address or need to get registered for the first time, now is the time to do it! Don’t let missing a deadline keep you from being able to vote on important topics in your community.
Why Register Now?
Local elections are coming up. This means registered voters will be able to have a voice on the candidates they would like to represent their communities. To be qualified to vote in the upcoming local elections on Tuesday, November 7, you must be registered by Tuesday, October 10.
How Do I Register?
Becoming a voter in Arizona is easy! Simply visit Service Arizona’s Voter Registration page with your state driver’s license or identification card ready and fill out the form. After only a few minutes of filling out your information you’ll be officially registered and able to participate!
When going to vote, make sure you have the proper identification with you to avoid multiple trips to the polls.
Learn About Upcoming Elections
To find upcoming events as well as election dates, visit the Arizona Secretary of State website’s elections calendar page. If you’re looking for more information on local candidates, or would like to receive notifications from Arizona’s Secretary of State, visit today.