Arizona Cardinals Join the Fight

The Arizona Cardinals have a great understanding of the power of teamwork and put that to work in the community every year with Valley of the Sun United Way. Here are a few of the highlights of recent wins United Way has had thanks to the Cardinals.

50/50 Raffle

As part of Cardinal’s Charities, a 50/50 raffle is held at each Arizona Cardinals home game where fans can purchase a raffle ticket for the chance to win 50% of the money given to the raffle that night. The other 50% goes to a different beneficiary each game. On December 9th they chose to give to United Way and helped us raise nearly $59,000 to fight for kids, families, and neighborhoods in Maricopa County. Thanks to the Cardinals for the opportunity and to our wonderful volunteers for making it happen!

Character Playbook

This year, many schools have taken on the 2018-2019 Character Challenge. Schools are working with students and have created plans to bully proof their schools and shared their ideas on social media with the hashtag, #bullyproofschools. Check out the hashtag on Twitter
to see who has taken the challenge and how! This challenge runs until February 3rd and has opportunities for schools to win prizes throughout. You can take the challenge today!

United Way, NFL, Verizon, and Everfi have implemented Character Playbook LIVE so NFL players can interact with more students and schools through a live video feed with multiple schools. On November 27th, the Cardinals alumni players, cheerleaders, Big Red, and owner Nicole Bidwell hosted their own live event. In Arizona, the 2,736 students using the program have completed 8,644 modules in the digital learning course.

If you are an educator who would like to bring this to your school, click below to get more information and bring Character Playbook to your community.

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United2Win Superbowl Sweepstakes

In support of Character Playbook, the NFL is helping United Ways nationwide to host the United2Win Superbowl Sweepstakes! One lucky donor will receive the wonderful prize of:

  • Club-level Super Bowl game tickets (2)
  • Pregame Super Bowl sideline access (2)
  • Inner-circle Tailgate Party tickets (2)
  • NFL Friday Night Party tickets (2)
  • NFL Honors tickets (2)
  • NFLPA VIP Players Party tickets (2)
  • Airfare (2) and hotel accommodations (1 room)

All you have to do is donate to enter!

Learn More

The NFL and United Way have been partners together since 1973. Thank you Arizona Cardinals for your continued commitment and all the years you have spent living united with us. We can’t do it alone.
