Put Reading at the Top of New School Year Priorities: 3 Simple Steps

Number 2 pencils?


Glue sticks?


Pocket folders?


A home reading plan for your child?

Hmmm…if this isn’t on your new school year priority list, it should be.

It’s simple to do and can be fun for both you and your child. Plus, studies by U.S. Department of Education show that children who are read to three times a week are nearly twice as likely to score in the top 25 percent in reading throughout their academic years.

Here are 3 steps to get started today:

1) Set a Reading Routine

  • Your child will expect and look forward to reading with you.
  • Young children cherish the time you spend together. When you read with a child, they learn reading time is special because it is shared with you.
  • Read your child’s favorite book over and over again. Children love repetition and learn from it.
  • Eliminate distractions such as television, music and phones.

2) Create a Special Reading Space

  • Have a comfortable space for your child to look at and enjoy their favorite books. Include a chair or pillows and place books on a shelf or in a basket.
  • Make sure books are easy to reach.
  • Consider including stuffed animals so your child can read a book to their favorite pal.

3) Make Reading a Conversation

  • Before you begin reading a book, look at the cover and title and ask your child what they think the story is about.

    • Pause periodically to ask your child questions about the pictures and what is happening in the story:
    • “Did the character do the right thing?” “What would you have done differently?”
    • “Tell me what is happening in this picture.” “Where is the character going?” “What is the character doing?”
  • Make up an alternative ending to the story. “What do you think would have happened if…?”
  • Be animated! Use sound effects! This will captivate your child and spark their imagination. Invite your child to provide the sound effects.

Want a list of books to get you started? Check out our reading list.

Brooke Toles-Johnson has a passion for literacy. She recently retired as Valley of the Sun United Way’s literacy initiatives manager and was the program director for a statewide literacy program in Oregon and provided leadership and guidance for school programs in 32 counties, serving 11,000 children annually.