The Helping the Working Poor tax credit allows Arizona taxpayers to donate up to $400 and receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit.
Your 100% tax-deductible donation provides hard working families a much-needed hand up which breaks the cycle of poverty for many.
In 2012 alone, the Helping the Working Poor fund helped more than 960 families (including more than 1,800 children), with job training. In fact, 700 people obtained better jobs within six months.
Who are the “working poor”?
The working poor includes people who are employed with low-wage jobs and struggle to make ends meet. At Valley of the Sun United Way, our Helping the Working Poor fund provides job-skill training, food and clothing, shelter, affordable childcare and educational opportunities to those who need it most.
How does it work?
First, you need to donate up to $400 to United Way’s Helping the Working Poor fund. Donate Now.
You will transform lives.
Donations of $200 (for individuals) and $400 (for couples filing jointly to the Working Poor Tax fund, no longer require itemization to receive the credit in the 2013 Tax Year. Help transform lives in our community.
Charlie Boyce is Vice President of Community Impact for Valley of the Sun United Way. He guides United Way’s Community Objective to Increase Financial Stability of Families and Individuals. He oversees delivery of Financial Coaching trainings, the West Valley Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Coalition and workforce development partnerships.
Note: United Way is not a tax advisor. As with any financial recommendation, contact a qualified tax professional for expert advice on your specific tax situation.