What does it take to build a fitness trail to help keep the 8,000 men and women in the Arizona Army and Air National Guard service ready?

Discover Your Gen U Genius on January 24. Got what it takes to compete in the 2nd Annual Gen U Scavenger Hunt? Prove it! On Saturday, Jan. 24, challenge your friends and colleagues to join forces with you to win awesome prizes. Everything is awesome! Then share the love by posting your feats on Instagram, all while ending hunger for Valley kids. The money raised by you and your team fuels United Way’s WeekEnd Hunger Backpack program.

A new year is a great time to shape up and get financially fit as the average undergraduate holds student loan debt in excess of $20,000. Break the cycle of long-term student loan debt and alleviate stress by paying these bills early. View our list of clever ways to lessen student loan debt through volunteerism or public service

Remember radio DJCasey Kasem, king of the top-40 countdown of the year’s most popular songs? Well as we come to the end of 2014, we’re counting down our 10 most popular blogs hits. Comment, share or subscribe to our weekly blog for ongoing reminders of how your gifts are making a difference in the Valley. See if your favorite made the list.
It can be difficult to keep children from spending their holiday break from school in front of a TV or video game. At Free Arts for Abused Children in Arizona, a United Way partner organization where I serve as Development Director, our program staff is constantly creating fun and innovative projects for children of all ages to experience. At home and throughout our community, there are a host of fun and innovative projects to delight and inspire kids.

I rediscovered the joy of first-time volunteering at Project Connect, a monthly event that provides resources people in our community –experiencing or on the brink of homelessness–to start their journey back to health, financial stability and housing.
Want an extra $400 in your wallet? For many, that would be a welcome addition, but for the 39 percent of Arizona families who fall below the poverty line, those funds may keep a roof over their heads and food on their table.

With our partners, United Way is working to develop 1,000 permanent supportive housing units. Additionally, we are building a $15 million endowment to ensure the ongoing funding needed to end all chronic homelessness our community.

Learning to follow a partner’s lead in ballroom dancing is a new adventure for Stefanie Taylor, but the ASU alumna and Generation United steering committee member, is always one step ahead when it comes to giving back to the community.

Student United Way and Sun Devils Unite—student organizations at ASU and partners with Valley of the Sun United Way—raised more than $875 through two events during Homecoming weekend.