There are numerous benefits to donating to your favorite local charity through the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit.

With the support of our donors, New Pathways for Youth builds a web of support that creates Mighty Change for youth.

As Vice President of Community Development for Valley of the Sun United Way, Dr. Melissa Boydston works to remove barriers leading to systems change on the education birth to career continuum pipeline.

We’re proud to announce that we’ve awarded 81 nonprofits and schools grants totaling more than $7.8 million to fund programs and services that align with the strategies of MC2026.

COVID-19 has shined a light on the many inequities surrounding early childhood education. Fortunately, Read On Avondale and Read On Phoenix were there to help.

The Mighty Change 2026 (MC2026) plan will guide us over the next five years will give more hope, and prioritize increased access to needed services in Maricopa County. Woven into each of the plan’s strategies is a focus on diversity, equity, access and inclusion.

Read Better Be Better has been able to distribute almost 10,000 Literacy Kits to over 100 organizations and schools since May of 2020!

Today, in partnership with Scholastic, School Readiness Kits are available to the public, ensuring all children, parents and teachers have access to tools and resources to achieve school readiness.