Today, in partnership with Scholastic, School Readiness Kits are available to the public, ensuring all children, parents and teachers have access to tools and resources to achieve school readiness.

In a crisis or disaster, 211 is here to help every person in our community find food, pay bills and connect to other essential services. During the pandemic, our United Way promoted 211 Arizona as the number to call for COVID-19 help and questions.

Find ways this February to share the love of helping others while social distancing – It’s our way to show how much we “heart” you!

Over the last 95 years, partnerships have been at the heart of United Way’s approach to meeting its mission. Collaboration with community is the work of our organization, with some relationships enduring almost a century.

A celebration of our past, present and future.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed the socioeconomic inequities many students, families and neighbors face daily.

Celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. this month. Here are some activities you can do with your family to promote community, kindness, and equity.

Before the pandemic, the flow of goods coming and going was ongoing and easily manageable, but nothing could have prepared us for the vast amount of donations requested and received in response to COVID-19 and the impact on our community.

Did you know that there are actually three separate tax benefits that you may qualify for? We have made it simple by detailing these tax benefits.