The Benefits of Permanent Supportive Housing
Across all of Maricopa County, you can find nearly 6,000 people each night sleeping without a bed or a home to stay in. But we are fighting to end homelessness through programs like permanent supportive housing.
Character Connection in a Maricopa Classroom

In Maricopa County middle school classrooms, it started as a regular day… That is, until an Arizona Cardinals quarterback appeared on their computer screen.

Teacher of the Year Makes Change Happen
Meet Michelle Doherty, one of our incredible partners who has been recognized as 2017 Arizona Educational Foundation Teacher of the Year.
WeekEnd Hunger Backpack Update

Thanks to our donor support, we are able to provide 520 WeekEnd Hunger Backpacks every Friday during the school year. This year, the backpacks include pantry staples like rice, pasta, and items for family meals to help feed an entire family for a weekend.

Computer Learning in the Digital Age

As technology continues to surround us in our day to day lives, having the right computer skills is almost essential. October is Computer Learning Month! In preparation, here are several ways for you to use computers to advance your own knowledge or support children in their education locally.

See Hunger – Take Action

Hunger is a big problem in Maricopa County. When a person is hungry, they lose health, focus, and energy. With 87,000 households in the Valley not knowing where their next meal is coming from, finding a way to participate in Hunger Action Month is critical to breaking the cycle of poverty.

What Can You Do For Attendance Awareness Month?

Students missing only a day or two of classes every few weeks are already starting to fall behind in school. Missing just 2 days each month adds up to missing 10% of the entire school year.

Quality First Partners with Valley Child Care Organizations

The work education providers are doing to ensure children enter school ready to succeed is extremely important. That’s why Valley of the Sun United Way’s Quality First program is here to help!

Playbook for the New School Year
The Arizona Cardinals with Valley of the Sun United Way are helping schools across Arizona get into gear for the new school year with Character Playbook. The program started in Arizona last year, helping 3,262 students at 42 schools to learn more about healthy relationships and resolving conflict.
In Our Own Words – Meet Heather

Poverty greatly impacts students on many levels. Coming to school hungry, with holes in their shoes and lack of a jacket can set the tone for the day. Sitting in class with a decaying tooth or unaddressed illness impacts a student’s ability to fully engage in their learning.
