My life used to be typical in regards to living and lifestyle. Living the American dream. Great job, great home, great family, and great life. Until I found myself homeless…

Vello, the virtual tutoring program making its way into elementary schools across the nation, has finished the pilot period and is ready to launch into the new school year. The program allows passionate professionals to be a tutor from anywhere, even on their lunch break at work, with children in need of one on one attention to build their reading skills.

What would you do? It’s summer in Arizona and the sun is bearing heat down like it’s throwing fire. Luckily you’re in your car with the AC on full blast, feeling the cool breeze brush past you and fill your car with a refreshing coldness. The stoplight ahead turns red and you have to wait for your next chance to go when you notice the person on the corner with a cardboard sign.

Teaching moments are happening all the time in the life of a child. Every experience they have helps to shape them into who they will become as an adult. They absorb all information as they take in the world around them. We have an opportunity to show children an idea for parties that can be a little different.

Even if you don’t have kids, but you have a child in your life that is important to you, I strongly encourage you to do them a favor and teach them the importance of giving back.

On a day where we celebrate our country, it is important to recognize veterans who have fought for our freedom. People like Bessie. Bessie is a veteran who struggled with homelessness until she was connected to organizations willing to fight for her right to happiness as she has done for us.

Supporting students to achieve a strong education from birth to career is part of building up our community to provide a brighter future. Often, the answers lie within the community and can be reached through the collective wisdom of its members. This motivation inspired Valley of the Sun United Way to create Thriving Together, a collective impact partnership that aims to identify sustainable solutions and best practices that increase student success all the way through their education journey.

Arizona heat affects everyone; from heat cramps, to heat exhaustion, to heat stroke, heat related illnesses are dangerous. As the temperature rises staying safe outside will become more and more difficult. You, or someone you know, may be looking for ways to keep out of the heat or find some relief if going home is not an option.