Seeking refuge in makeshift cardboard boxes, and trying to sleep in a shack on the street, living conditions once unfathomable, became a dark reality for Abel until he found Stepping Stones Place, a Phoenix permanent supportive housing development, operated by Native American Connections.

Freedom’s a great feeling, but so is financial independence. Celebrate yours with this tips from our expert Charlie Boyce.
As a classroom mentor for junior high students with Valley of the Sun United Way’s Destination Graduation program, I learned as much as I taught. One common theme among the students is they all want to be taken more seriously by adults. From experience, here are my favorite tips for succeeding in life.

When I was young, my grandmother used to pick up my sisters and me once a week to visit the Saguaro Library in Phoenix. Here, I met Amelia Bedelia, Ramona Quimby and many other characters I fondly remember.

Arizona’s economy relies on a skilled workforce that’s prepared to tackle the complexities of 21st century jobs. Eileen Klein, president of the Arizona Board of Regents, moderated a panel discussion by local education champions on the importance of a birth-to-career education approach for our community. Click on the photo to view a visual recap.

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week! Do you remember your favorite teacher? Here’s one you won’t want to forget when you learn how fifth grade teacher, Reid DeSpiegelaere made sure his students didn’t go hungry.

Parents understand how restoring our surroundings can help bring a fresh perspective for tackling challenges and opportunities. The sense of accomplishment gained from tidying up closets, garages or flowerbeds builds confidence for uncluttering other areas of our lives – like spending.

Nine years ago, I came from Malaysia to Arizona so I could one day give my children a quality education and a better life. I now have 5-year old twins, Keison and Keiserinne, and I want to make sure they have more educational advantages than I did. That’s why I introduced reading and writing to them early. Thankfully, I found a gem in United Way’s School Readiness Kit.

When I was a kid, I loved the school carnival: the games, music, cakewalk, and prizes. Imagine if that memorable event was focused on one thing – creating a love of reading – and you’ll get a glimpse into the wonderful Read On Greater Phoenix literacy fairs led by Valley of the Sun United Way.

For many families Spring Break means trips to the lake, library or spring training games. Kids relish time-off from formal learning, not realizing this week presents great opportunities to stimulate their brain with hands-on learning and new experiences.