Housing &

We ensure all can have a safe home to call their own.

Having a safe place to call home is a first step in addressing health, education and workforce development challenges. We are working with partners to decrease housing insecurity by investing in rent and utility assistance, housing navigators and eviction prevention. We also support emergency shelters that help move households out of crisis. Looking ahead, we will collaborate with regional leaders to develop new affordable housing.


↓ 50 %
Reduce homelessness by 50%


Project Connect

For people experiencing poverty, it can be difficult to navigate through all the organizations needed to meet with to get back on track. Thanks to our donors, United Way makes it simple for any individual or family experiencing or near homelessness to connect to vital services at Project Connect.

Summer Heat Relief

Working to support our partner nonprofit organizations and the families they serve, Valley of the Sun United Way works with our community and corporate partners to collect bottled water and other heat relief items for those experiencing homelessness.


We are increasing investments in services and programs that not only address immediate needs, but also prioritize social determinants and wraparound services that prevent and assist those experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity. The below Coalition members focus on our Mighty housing and homelessness goals and develop strategies to create impact. When informed by the Coalition and their Action Teams, we change course as needed to stay focused on the right programs and solutions to reach our bold goals for Maricopa County.


A New Leaf*

Arizona Behavioral Health Corporation (ABC)

Arizona Center for Economic Progress (AZCenter)

Arizona Community Foundation

Arizona Department of Child Safety

Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES)

Arizona Department of Education

Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH)

Arizona Faith Network*

Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS)

Arizona Housing Coalition

Arizona Housing, Inc.*

Arizona State University

Arizona’s Children

ASU Action Nexus


Burns & McDonnell Engineering

Central Arizona Shelter Services*

City of Avondale

City of Glendale

City of Phoenix

City of Surprise

Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH)


Family of God Ministry*

Foster AZ

From the Ground Up

Fuerte Art Collective*

Garcia Family Foundation

Gaughan Consulting

Helping Families in Need

Homeless ID Project

Homeless Youth Connection*

Homeward Bound*

Human Services Campus*

Journey Out of Homelessness

Justa Center

La Frontera EMPACT – Suicide Prevention Center*

Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest*

Maggie’s Place*

Maricopa Association of Governments

Maricopa County

Mercy Care

Mercy House Living Centers*

Native American Connections*

New Life Center*

Phoenix Community Alliance

Phoenix Indian Center

Phoenix Rescue Mission

Piper Trust


RI International

Save the Family

Shelters to Shutters


Sojourner Center*


Southwest Center for HIV

St. Joseph the Worker

St. Vincent de Paul

Step One Halfway House

Tempe Community Action Agency*

The Salvation Army*

Thrive Services Group, Inc.

TPI Composites, Inc.

UMOM New Day Centers*

Valley Leadership/Home Matters

Village 360*

Vitalyst Health Foundation

Wash The City

West Valley Health Equity*

*Partners who have received grant funding through Valley of the Sun United Way


Healthcare & Food Access

Removing barriers to ensure everyone in our community is healthy, with a focus on access to food and healthcare.

Workforce Development

Opening pathways to better paying jobs.
