Facebook Milestones: Phoenix Youth Moves Up In Life & Career

Yered’s Year In Review

A little more than two years ago I saw a Facebook ad that changed my life. Although I was a good student with great attendance, I couldn’t graduate from high school because I didn’t pass the math portion of the AIMS test. The Certificate of Completion I received in lieu of a diploma wasn’t enough to support the life and career I wanted.

I knew I couldn’t survive on my two part-time, minimum-wage jobs.

So I was excited to see an ad for a program where I could receive my General Education Development test (GED®). I immediately clicked on the link that connected me with Keake Williams at Jobs for Arizona Graduates (JAG), a United Way partner. Through the ASPIRE program, Keake helps kids like me find our way in education, life and career.

Keake supported me through all the steps to complete and pass the GED® test. She’s been my champion ever since. Another eight weeks later, with her guidance and a ton of hard work, I finished a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program and landed a new job at an assisted living home in North Phoenix.

Although I was grateful to begin my medical career, it was still difficult to pay the bills and the commute wasn’t any easier. For a full year, I made just above minimum wage while taking the bus from the West Valley every day. Yet there was a silver lining. Thanks to Keake’s support and ASPIRE, I gained confidence and was ready to challenge myself.

The Silver Lining

One day along my walk from the bus stop to work, I passed a grassy stretch on the Banner Thunderbird Hospital Campus. I remember saying to myself, “I’m going to work here someday!”

I’m proud to say that, today, I am a Patient Care Assistant there and have enjoyed every minute since I started in December 2014. I work with all kinds of patients, and because I have the opportunity to float to different departments, I’ve discovered a passion for becoming a labor and delivery nurse. However, I am open to anything. I love to travel and as a flight nurse, I could work anywhere in the world where medical care is needed.

Never Give Up

I am so proud of all that I’ve accomplished. Thanks to JAG and ASPIRE:

  • I have my GED®
  • I am financially independent
  • I have a promising career path ahead
  • I can travel to Mexico to see my family and experience places I always dreamed of

I’ve done so much, but I’m ready to keep climbing. My next big goal: continue my education to become a registered nurse.

For now, I like looking ahead. I’ll look back later, and who knows—maybe I’ll even see these milestones on my Facebook newsfeed.

Yered Pelayo was born in Guadalajara, Mexico, but raised most of her life in Arizona. After attending high school, she became a certified nursing assistant. Yered works at Banner Thunderbird Hospital as a Patient Care Assistant in Phoenix while pursuing further education in nursing.