From the Board Chair: When Life Changes Unexpectedly…Make Lemonade

VSUW Blog – Jenny Holsman Tetreault – April, 2020

When life changes unexpectedly…make lemonade

The coronavirus pandemic changed our lives unexpectedly. We were suddenly a family of four (including Colin, my husband, six-year-old Connor, 3-year-old Madeline and me!) working together, learning together, spending every moment together…

This resulted in some immediate changes to our life. We had to adjust and adapt in a way that we had not anticipated. And, we had to do so quickly. What was initially an “uh-oh…how are we going to do this” moment, became an entirely new way of living. Instead of identifying this time as challenging, tough, painful, or any other negative word…we have agreed to embrace this experience as a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity. In other words, we have attempted to turn this unprecedented time into a positive one for each other, for our children, for our family, and for our community.

In thinking about our time in quarantine, we have realized a new reality for our family….and are looking forward to what the future holds for us. Below are several ways that we have handled our new normal:

  • We have spent more time outside than we have in years. Seriously. Spending time outside has literally opened our lungs and given us the fresh air we needed.
  • Our fitness efforts have increased dramatically, with every day runs or bike rides. We are stronger, healthier and our minds are clearer through this everyday practice.
  • Our kids have embraced home schooling. Pause. Just kidding. But seriously, we have an entirely new appreciation for the work that educators do, day in and day out, to ensure that all children in our community receive a quality education. After our kids return to school, we will turn our efforts to ensure access to programs, resources and a quality educational experience becomes a reality for every child.
  • We have cleaned and then cleaned again (and again). We have also sorted, donated, and prioritized what we needed. We discovered that “stuff” isn’t important anymore but that experiences bring us more joy. To that end, we look forward to exploring our community, our state, and the world once again.
  • Home cooked meals and advance planning has become part of our routine. The kids help prepare a “healthy snack” every day and are becoming Chefs (in their own unique ways).
  • The family participates in a “check-in and gratitude” circle each morning. Yep. True. I can oftentimes even get them to settle down for a mediation!
  • We listen more. Talk more. Hug more. Love more.
  • And, finally, we reduced our overall expenses and re-evaluated “how” we spend our money. This also allowed us to recommit to things that are important to us, which includes supporting the United Way. As a result, we have been proudly able to invest in the COVID-19 Fund for the Valley of the Sun United Way.

During this time in isolation, I have seen firsthand the critical role that the United Way can play around the world. To that end, I have been inspired by the role that the Valley of the Sun United Way in partnership with Arizona Community Foundation, has played in serving as both a leader and a convener within the non-profit and corporate sectors. After raising over $2.1 million dollars over the last few weeks, the Valley of the Sun United Way has granted $859,882 to over 47 non-profit organizations needing critical support during this time. These grants are intended to provide resources needed to ensure that mission oriented, programmatic, and critical services are delivered to those that are most in need.

My involvement with the Valley of the Sun United Way has also changed during this “stay-at-home” time. I have recorded video messages to support the Sun Devils Unite effort, written thank you notes to long-term donors to the organization, co-hosted update sessions with our Tocqueville Society members, attended policy discussions with elected officials on housing and homelessness efforts, joined calls with non-profit leaders to discuss how Valley of the Sun United Way can support them during this time, have had an update and virtual happy hour with the Women United Steering Committee, and much more. Perhaps equally important, the Board of Directors has continued to meet and we are both prepared to handle the “now” and are planning for our “future.” I am truly honored to serve the Valley of the Sun United Way during this time and in partnership with our CEO, Carla Vargas Jasa.

Beyond the response to COVID-19, the Valley of the Sun United Way has remained focused on our future. With our 95-year history, we are grounded in our past, but are continually inspired by the role that the Valley of the Sun United Way will play moving forward. With unique and creative partnerships like Arizona Community Foundation being forged, policy work being initiated and supported, critical investments being made, and our strategic priorities being defined, we are confident that the Valley of the Sun United Way will remain a point of pride for our community.

Just as our family has done, the Valley of the Sun United Way has looked both internally and externally to find inspiration during this time. Our family has made personal changes to live both “better” and “stronger” after the pandemic passes. Similarly, the Valley of the Sun United Way has been inspired. We look forward to leading, convening, collaborating, partnering, learning, listening, loving…and providing hope during our “new” reality.

Until we are able to connect in person, stay healthy, safe, and take time to embrace our new reality. The world has changed and both the Valley of the Sun United Way and the Tetreault family are ready. #LIVEUNITED #UNITEPHX
