Get Involved

We cannot create change alone. It takes you – our volunteers, donors, group members, and advocates – to make a difference. You can give, you can volunteer, you can be part of advocacy work, you can reach out to others….you tell us how you would like to be a force for change and we will help.


There is no contribution too large or small. Your generous gift makes a real difference for children, families, and neighborhoods in Maricopa County.


We’re making it simple for you to be part of the solution! We’ll provide opportunities to be an activist where ever you are – at home, at work, at school. United Way is dedicated to taking action and we invite you to join us!

Join a Group

Our variety of affinity groups offer an opportunity to band together and fight for a more equitable future in a way that fits your lifestyle, from college students to young professionals, retirees, and everything in between.


Learn about the issues surrounding poverty in our community and how we are working with local leaders to drive Mighty Change in our community. Contact your representatives to share your voice.

Join a Coalition or Action Team

Join Us Today!

Join a Valley of the Sun United Way (VSUW) Coalition aligned to our Mighty Change 2026 five-year strategic plan. Coalition members may serve on one or more of VSUW’s four community impact areas: Health, Housing & Homelessness, Education, and Workforce Development. With each Coalition there are multiple Action Teams focused on access, policy change, collaboration, equity, and professional development.

What We’re Up To

Stories of Mighty Change | Arizona Career Pathways – Amanda’s Story

Amanda was a single mother struggling to raise her three young children after the death of their father. As a dental assistant earning $45,000 annually, she knew she needed to upskill to earn a livable wage for her single-income family of four. With the help of Arizona Career Pathways, she enrolled in Phoenix College’s Dental Hygiene program.

Literacy Hub at Lattie Coor School can be directly tied to increased test scores

The Literacy Hub at Lattie Coor School is one way United Way and its partners are meeting the community where they are to address inequities and needs.

Valley of the Sun United Way announces FY26 request for proposals

Valley of the Sun United Way is pleased to announce the opening of its 2025-2026 request for proposals for eligible nonprofits, schools and other community organizations operating throughout Maricopa County.
