TOGETHER, for individuals, their families and the Valley’s future. Join us today and become a Mighty Changemaker!
Our Role in Public Policy
Through the collective voice of our community and business leaders, we will focus our 2025 Public Policy efforts on the urgent need to solve for the growing housing and homelessness crisis to make the greatest impact on our MC2026 goal of reducing homelessness by 50%.
Secondarily, we will amplify the public policy and advocacy initiatives of our coalition and civic partners to support the needed services that will help our community succeed in the remaining MC2026 pillars. This includes collaboration with partners like AZ Impact for Good, and the many coalition partners who have communicated their policy agendas that are in alignment with our MC2026 priorities.
Policy Priority Levels
Federal priorities
state priorities
county priorities
local priorities
For more information, please contact:
Beatrice “Bea” Rocklin
(602) 499-8600