Leadership Giving

Join fellow pacesetters who lead by example and inspire others to support Mighty Change.

Inspire Others

Give, advocate, volunteer and inspire others to create Mighty Change in the areas of education, housing & homelessness, health, and workforce development right here in Maricopa County.

Leadership Givers are individuals who annually pledge at least $1,000 to Valley of the Sun United Way’s mission and work. Through their generosity, Leadership Givers demonstrate a commitment to creating positive impact and lasting change in the community.

Gifts can be shared through a workplace giving campaign, our website, and with the support of the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit.

Become a Leadership Giver

As a Leadership Giver, you enjoy unique value and opportunities, including:

✓ Recognition as one of Valley of the Sun United Way’s most committed and valued supporters!

✓ A convenient and impactful way to make a holistic investment in our community.

✓ The opportunity to directly engage in the Mighty Change impact work that is transforming the community, including volunteer and advocacy opportunities.

✓ Being amongst the first to know about new programs, the latest research, upcoming events, special initiatives and community impact through the Valley of the Sun United Way e-newsletter and exclusive Leadership Giver communications.

Donor Spotlight

We honor donors for their amazing generosity and leadership in helping to create a community where every child, family and individual is healthy, has a safe place to live, and has every opportunity to succeed in school, in work and in life.

“Both of our parents taught us to help when we can because you never know what is coming and we may need the help someday. United Way does the work of vetting charities, so we know that giving through them means what we give actually makes it to the people that need the help.”

— Keith and Shirley, Leadership Givers for 20 Years

Creating Mighty Change takes an entire community.


Donors like you are the heart of Valley of the Sun United Way. When you give, you give more than just dollars. You give hope, solutions, and a chance at a brighter future. Valley of the Sun United Way funds and supports dozens of organizations and programs that are making the biggest impact in the community. When you give, you can be sure your gift is being used where needed most in the community, making your dollars go further and creating a bigger impact.

Contact Information

For more information about how to support Valley of the Sun United Way through Leadership Giving, please email Nadine Lemmons at nlemmons@vsuw.org.
