State Tax Credit is the Key
Want an extra $400 in your wallet? For many, that would be a welcome addition, but for the 39 percent of Arizona families who fall below the poverty line, those funds may keep a roof over their heads and food on their table.
Your year-end gift to United Way’s Helping the Working Poor fund could reduce your tax burden while helping others. Here’s how:
Who are the “working poor”?
The working poor includes people employed at low-wage jobs who struggle to make ends meet.
How does the tax credit work?
1. Donate up to $400 to United Way’s Helping the Working Poor fund by Dec. 31, 2014.
2. Individuals may receive an Arizona state tax credit of up to $200; families up to $400.*** No need to itemize deductions to claim the credit.
At Valley of the Sun United Way, your gift to this fund provides families with:
Real Results
Thanks to our Helping the Working Poor fund, during 2013 alone,
Learn more about the dollar-for-dollar state tax credit.
*** Valley of the Sun United Way is not a tax advisor. As with any financial recommendation, contact a qualified tax professional for expert advice on your specific tax situation.