Donate Today!
You can make a difference in the lives of children, individuals, and families in Maricopa County.
Your donation provides hardworking families with essentials needed to maintain stability, including emergency rent, utilities and other vital resources. When you give, you support the most urgent needs of our vulnerable neighbors. Learn more about the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit HERE.
Looking to make a contribution using a Donor Advised Fund (DAF)? Contact Lisa Groves at lgroves@vsuw.org.
Provides one night of emergency shelter for a family of three.
Helps local food banks provide 260 meals for families experiencing hunger.
Provides high-quality children’s books for an entire classroom of young readers.
Supplies 20 much-need Heat Relief Kits and Snack Packs to those experiencing homelessness.
Matches a youth with an adult mentor who provides a trusting, safe, caring and stable relationship.