Our Work

Valley of the Sun United Way envisions a community where every child, family and individual is healthy, has a safe place to live, and has every opportunity to succeed in school, in life and in work.

Our Aspirations

We can’t beat today’s issues with yesterday’s thinking. Change demands bold new solutions. So, we’re redeploying our energies and realigning our resources and partners to drive Mighty Change in our community. Together, we tackle the systemic, interrelated issues that are holding us back to create more opportunity and access throughout the Valley. Progress will be tracked and reported annually, and we will change courses as needed to stay focused on the right programs and solutions to reach our goals.

Our Focus

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What We’re Up To

Stories of Mighty Change | Arizona Career Pathways – Amanda’s Story

Amanda was a single mother struggling to raise her three young children after the death of their father. As a dental assistant earning $45,000 annually, she knew she needed to upskill to earn a livable wage for her single-income family of four. With the help of Arizona Career Pathways, she enrolled in Phoenix College’s Dental Hygiene program.

Literacy Hub at Lattie Coor School can be directly tied to increased test scores

The Literacy Hub at Lattie Coor School is one way United Way and its partners are meeting the community where they are to address inequities and needs.

Valley of the Sun United Way announces FY26 request for proposals

Valley of the Sun United Way is pleased to announce the opening of its 2025-2026 request for proposals for eligible nonprofits, schools and other community organizations operating throughout Maricopa County.
