
We close opportunity gaps to ensure children read at grade level by 3rd grade and youth are prepared for educational success and employment.


Reading is the foundation of success, but many Arizona students are falling behind. Right now, 65% of 3rd-graders in our state are not proficient in reading. Valley of the Sun United Way is partnering with Read Better Be Better to help students start a new chapter. Read Better Be Better is a peer-to-peer after school program. Readers are paired with middle school leaders for 10 weeks. The reader improves their literacy skills while their leader improves their leadership skills.


25 %
Increase 3rd grade reading proficiency by 25%.
38 %
Increase youth age 16-24 engaged in education and employment opportunities by 38%.


Chronic Absenteeism

Valley of the Sun United Way has launched Attendance Matters as part of the Supporting Attendance Across Maricopa County project.

School Readiness Kits

Scholastic and the Valley of the Sun United Way have partnered together to facilitate powerful school-to-home connections. Conveniently bundled in a friendly tote bag for learning at home or on the go, this English and Spanish bilingual kit comes packed with over 80 fun and educational activities for families to do with their children in preparation for school.

Summer Learning Collaborative

Each summer, students can lose knowledge equal to two months of learning. To prevent summer learning loss, we are partnered with out-of-school summer centers to add tools to retain and improve literacy skills for kindergarten through 3rd graders.


We support more than 50 programs and services provided by school, nonprofit and community partners who focus on building and strengthening literacy, increasing online learning and providing supportive services for families and teachers. The below Coalition members focus on our Mighty education goals and develop strategies to create impact. When informed by the Coalition and their Action Teams, we change course as needed to stay focused on the right programs and solutions to reach our bold goals for Maricopa County.

A New Leaf*


Agua Fria Unified High School District

Alhambra Elementary School District

Aliento AZ

ALL in Education

Arizona Association for the Education of Young Children*

Arizona Center for Economic Progress

Arizona Community Foundation

Arizona Department of Education

Arizona Head Start

Arizona Helping Hands

Arizona Kids Think Too

Arizona PBS – Arizona State University

Avondale Elementary School District

AZ Community Impact

AZ Head Start Association


Be A Leader Foundation*

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona*

Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale*

Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley*

Boys Hope Girls Hope of Arizona*

Boys to Men of Greater Phoenix*

Buckeye Elementary School District

Camp Catanese Foundation*


Cartwright Elementary School District

Catholic Charities*

Center for the Future of Arizona

Chicanos Por La Causa*

Child Crisis Arizona*

City of Chandler

City of Phoenix

City of Tempe

Dysart Community Center

Education Forward Arizona

Elevate Phoenix*

First Things First

Free Arts*

Friendly House*

Future for Kids

Greater Phoenix Urban League

Harmony Project Phoenix*


Homeless Youth Connect Inc.

Homeless Youth Connection*

Homeward Bound*


Jobs for Arizona’s Graduates*

Joy for Books

Junior Achievement of Arizona

Littleton Elementary School District

Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest*


Make Way for Books*

MentorKids USA*

Million Dollar Teacher Project

Neighborhood Ministries*

New Pathways for Youth*


Opportunity for Youth

Our Sister Our Brother*

Read Better Be Better*

Read On Arizona

Rising Youth Theatre*

School Connect

Scottsdale Community College

Si Se Puede Foundation*

Skye’s the Limit Foundation*


SOUNDS Academy*

Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center*

Southwest Human Development*

Stand for Children Arizona (SFC-AZ)

Teach for America

Tolleson Elementary School District

Treasures 4 Teachers

Union Elementary School District*

United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona

Unlimited Potential*

UPWARD for Children and Families*

Valley Leadership

Valley of the Sun Early Childhood Association*

Valley of the Sun YMCA*

Washington Elementary School District

Wesley Community & Health Centers*

World Hunger Ecumenical Arizona Task Force*

*Partners who have received grant funding through Valley of the Sun United Way


Workforce Development

Opening pathways to better paying jobs.

Healthcare & Food Access

Removing barriers to ensure everyone in our community is healthy, with a focus on access to food and healthcare.
