Project Connect
Thanks to our donors, United Way makes it simple for any individual or family experiencing or near homelessness to connect to vital services at Project Connect.
On any given night in our community, 9,600 people are experiencing homelessness
For people experiencing poverty it can be difficult to navigate through all the organizations needed to meet with to get back on track. Some may have to fit the visits in between work shifts or find transportation to and from the locations. Having all these resources in one place saves a lot of time and stress, making the process much easier.
The Situation
Thanks to our donors, United Way makes it simple for any individual or family experiencing or near homelessness to connect to vital services at Project Connect. United Way’s community partners come together at various locations across the Valley and throughout the year to provide immediate needs, emergency items and long-term solutions, meeting with guests one-on-one, giving them direct attention and actively listening to their needs. Guests, with the help of volunteer guides, can receive important documents – like their social security card, birth certificate, or a driver’s license – eat a good meal, use the shower station, and explore the Project Connect closet to pick up clothes.
The Goal
Hold Project Connect events throughout the Valley.