The Impact of Volunteers and Donors Like You in 2018-19

Many people in the Valley are coming together to break the cycle of poverty. With the help of local game-changers, we fight for kids, families, and neighborhoods every day.

Fight for Kids

Together, we are helping kids at all stages by focusing on kindergarten readiness, reading proficiently by 4th grade, and quality after-school and summer programs. 55,516 kids are now in high quality early learning programs run by Valley of the Sun United Way partners.

Fight for Families

Kids are best supported when their families have access to the resources they need to be successful. This means ending hunger at home and in the classroom, ending homelessness, and increasing financial stability. Of the families participating in the family stability initiative, 83% were able to improve housing stability.

Fight for Neighborhoods

It all starts with neighborhoods. This is why Thriving Together is working with Phoenix Union High School District and why we collaborate with residents of Maryvale, Central City, and Guadalupe to ensure community empowerment. In Maryvale, Central City, and Guadalupe, 66 community leaders graduated from the Wise Choices Food and Financial course.

These are just a few examples of the many ways volunteers and donors made an impact in our community by joining the fight to break the cycle. Learn more in the full report.

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