The Journey to Stability

In a time of crisis, it can be difficult to focus on every need you have when even your basic needs may not be met. Families nearing homelessness struggle with these kinds of problems every day. That’s why Valley of the Sun United Way and The Siemer Institute have partnered with local schools to help local families increase stability and find a sense of true community.

Initial stability and peace of mind comes with having your bills paid, groceries purchased, and a steady source of income for the home. When families accomplish this, it allows a shift in attention to things like improving financial situations, paying off debt, and increasing a child’s performance in school.

Ginna’s journey led her to the Avondale Elementary School District where she and her family began receiving the help they needed. In this video, she shares all about her experience and how it helped her and her kids.

Each family works closely with a caseworker to discuss specific needs in order to find the best solutions. These needs may include budget guidance, financial goal setting, academic support for the kids, and more. With these resources, families are able to stay in their homes and students are able to stay in their school, making educational success easier to achieve. This is just one of the many ways we unite against the cycle of poverty in the Valley.

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