The Latest News on Congress and Healthcare

Quality health insurance coverage allows Americans to stay healthy and remain financially secure. Many individuals simply cannot afford to lose access to health insurance that protects their livelihood and wellbeing.

Watch Wendy’s story on how these changes to health insurance would affect her.

Patient and consumer groups are urging Congress to include legislation that will stabilize the health insurance market and help prevent insurers from setting plan rates in 2019 that would result in premium spikes, putting health insurance out of the reach of many patients, those that are self-employed, and families.

Several bipartisan proposals under consideration could preserve and even expand access to affordable health insurance for middle class families. They include cost-sharing reduction policies that could improve affordability for middle and low income Americans, and the creation of a reinsurance program to help keep premiums stable for those with pre-existing conditions. So far, both parties in Congress have pledged to protect people with pre-existing conditions.

We urge everyone to reach out to our representatives in Congress and urge them to move swiftly, so that plans on state exchanges can stabilize, and perhaps lower, premiums for the millions of Americans who will turn to the marketplace for coverage next year.

Contact Senator Jeff Flake

Contact Senator John McCain
