Arizona heat affects everyone; from heat cramps, to heat exhaustion, to heat stroke, heat related illnesses are dangerous. As the temperature rises staying safe outside will become more and more difficult. You, or someone you know, may be looking for ways to keep out of the heat or find some relief if going home is not an option. Here are a few resources available around the Phoenix Metro area.
Phoenix Heat Relief Network
At the Phoenix Heat Relief Network website, you can find information and a map of all the Hydration Stations and Heat Refuge Locations in the Valley.
Searching the 2-1-1 page will also give you information on water and refuge stations, food programs and more. If you don’t have regular access to the internet to search for these items you can always call 2-1-1 to speak with someone who can direct you to partners who can help you.
Summer Food Service
Summer meals mean sunny smiles! Find food locations near you to receive free meals for children ages 18 and under with Summer Food Service. Many children receive their only meals while they are at school, resources like this help families keep their children eating all year round.
Arizona Department of Health Services
The Arizona Department of Health Services has a heat safety page with tips to keep yourself as safe as possible while you’re in the sun and symptoms to watch for so you can recognize the signs of heat-related illness.
These Resources Can Save a Life
The high temperatures in Arizona can potentially be fatal. If you or someone you know needs access to these services, please use and share them.