This is What Awesome Volunteers Look Like

It can be very easy to find yourself saying you are busy all the time. But, even with a packed schedule, our volunteers find a way to connect with their community and give back. In honor of National Volunteer Month and our thousands of amazing volunteers, thank you to each and every person who has joined the fight to break the cycle of poverty in Maricopa County. We can’t do it alone.

To celebrate your accomplishments, here are some spotlights on a few of our many dedicated hand-raisers.

Sue Broadman
Retired BCBS

Holding a love for Book in a Bag projects, Sue has gone above and beyond by making a few hundred of her own Book in a Bag packages at home and donating them. She also helps build School Readiness Kits, reads to classrooms during Read Across America Week, assists at book sorts, and lends a hand at WeekEnd Hunger Backpack assemblies.

Bret Garner

Bret started his volunteering journey at WeekEnd Hunger Backpack builds. Since then he has joined numerous volunteer events with Valley of the Sun United Way and is now an ambassador of the WeekEnd Hunger Backpack Program.

Cathleen Metzner
Optum Services, Inc.

With a passion for ensuring kids succeed in school, Cathleen has lent us her time to join us at Book in a Bag sessions, School Readiness Kit builds, and has delivered WeekEnd Hunger Backpacks to local schools on Fridays. She also helps guests at Project Connect.

Amy Powell

In the last 2 ½ years, Amy has delivered WeekEnd Hunger Backpacks to schools throughout Maricopa County more than 50 times!

Melissa Tirendi

A champion of Vello, Melissa manages 5 Vanguard employee tutor teams for Vello classrooms in Valley classrooms, helping tutors schedule sessions.

A BIG THANK YOU to these volunteers and all volunteers like you!

Want To Be Like One of These Awesome Volunteers?

Here’s your chance! We need volunteers like you to drop off WeekEnd Hunger Backpacks to local schools on Fridays. You can take them on your way to work and make a huge difference to students with just an hour of your day. Check out this video to see how it works and sign up below!

Sign Up Now!
