This Mini-Grant Could Bring Health to Your Community

When it comes to healthy eating and healthy finances, it helps to know what a good decision looks like for you. However, sometimes it’s much easier said than done. With this in mind, Valley of the Sun United Way created the Wise Choices: Healthy Eating and Healthy Finances course to increase budgeting and nutritional education.

If you are part of a school, church, permanent supported housing program, family resource center, head start, parent/family workshop, or other programs with a focus on nutrition, your organization can apply for a mini-grant to help you bring this program to your clients. Organizations may apply for up to $1,000 to go toward materials or other costs to bring the trainings to your facility and, if selected, your organization will receive a Train the Trainer session on the Wise Choices curriculum. This will teach your staff how to run the course.

The Train the Trainer session for grant winners will be on April 29, 2019 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Valley of the Sun United Way and workshops will need to be held from May 1 to June 28.

Applications are due by end of business day on Monday, April 15. Make sure to get yours completed soon! The program is only available until we are out of funds. If you have any questions about the Wise Choices Mini-Grant Program, contact Lora Reid at

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