​What Does United Way Do?

You may have heard the name “United Way” before and know that it’s an organization that helps people. However, you may not know the details of what that means. We have answers!

Every Local United Way is Different

Each state and each city has unique needs and concerns. The United Way offices in each city or county identify human care issues in your area and find strategic solutions by pooling together the resources to unite against these problems, strengthening the community you live in.

At Valley of the Sun United Way, with our donors, volunteers, and partners, we are fighting for kids, families, and neighborhoods to break the cycle of poverty. Without the support we receive from various people and organizations from across the Valley coming together to Live United, our collective impact wouldn’t be possible.

Support Comes From Many Faces

We recognize that these issues can’t be faced alone; it takes help from all places and people. That’s why we partner with companies that support and fund programs that help us build a stronger community. In addition, individuals at these companies and throughout the Valley give back as volunteers willing to be the action it takes to make a change, and make even the smallest investment in our community to keep these programs running.

What is an Example of United Way’s Impact?

Some examples of the how we are impacting lives through this support include Project Connect and WeekEnd Hunger Backpacks.

At Project Connect, it’s easy to see the full circle of our collective impact. We unite as volunteers, as organizations offering vital services to those struggling with homelessness, and as donors whose funding helps tackle homelessness right here in our community. Because of these partnerships individuals and families all over the Phoenix Metro area are able to get back on their feet.

WeekEnd Hunger Backpacks work with the same support structure. Volunteers, both from our corporate partners and as individuals, make building and delivering the backpacks a quick and simple process, filling them with supplemental meals for children in food insecure homes thanks to help from our donors.

These are just a few small examples of the impact we make when we Unite Against Homelessness and Hunger, vital human care issues in our community.

Who Are the Companies Assisting United Way?

Take a look at the top partners joining the fight with Valley of the Sun United Way here.

What Does Valley of the Sun United Way Do in Phoenix?

To see some of the goals we have been able to achieve, thanks to the support from our donors, volunteers, and partners, take a look at our latest reports here.

If you would like to join the fight for financial stability, to ensure children succeed, and to end hunger and homelessness, sign up for our newsletter to receive updates on the latest upcoming events and opportunities as well as our accomplishments by clicking the button at the top right of our home page.

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