Valley of the Sun United Way has begun offering a free financial coaching course for local case managers teaching individuals and families across the Valley how to manage and understand finances and prepare for any unexpected situations. Being properly prepared for any situation and aware of the risks associated with our day to day lives will help save costs in the long run. Below is a list of situations you want to be prepared for in case they occur. Read the questions and discover your preparedness grade!
1. Are all the licensed drivers in your household insured?
Having insurance is a safe way to prevent financial struggle if an accident were to take place.
2. Do you and your household members have health insurance?
Having health insurance provides the comfort of knowing that you can take a family member to the hospital if something were to happen without worrying about the financial repercussions.
3. Do you see a physician at least every other year for a check-up?
Seeing a physician can prevent possible health issues that could cause larger costs and more serious health issues in the future.
4. Are there firearms in your household? How are they stored or secured?
Keeping firearms locked away in a place not reachable for children can prevent life ending accidents and teach children about the importance of firearm safety.
5. Do you smoke?
Smoking is the number one preventable cause of death and disease in the United States and smoking one pack a day can average up to $2000 a year.*
6. Do you drink and drive, or ride with others who are drinking?
In 2016, 10,497 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for 28% of all traffic-related deaths in the United States.*
7. Are the contents of your home insured against fire or theft?
In the case of a fire or break in, having items in your home insured will likely lead to a more inexpensive replacement process.
8. Do you wear your seatbelt, and insist that everyone in your vehicle does?
Wearing a seatbelt can be the difference between life and death in a car accident and keep you and your loved ones safe.
9. Do you have disability income insurance in case you become sick or disabled?
If you become unable to work and bring an income to the household, disability insurance can ensure that you have financial assistance when it is needed most.
10. Is your weight at an unhealthy level?
Keeping body weight at a healthy level can give you more energy, and help maintain a healthy lifestyle that will transcend past health into an entire way of living.
11. Is your home safe for small children?
Children at young ages are not aware of the dangers of simple household items such as cleaning supplies and kitchen utensils and it is important to keep them away from their reach inform children of the dangers they can cause if misused.
12. Has your family ever had a “fire drill”?
Having a designated plan for escape during a fire and a meet up spot can ensure that all members of the family escape safely and do not go back into the fire looking for someone who may already be out and put their life at risk.
13. Do you exercise?
For most healthy adults, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends these exercise guidelines: Get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week.
14. Do your parents, or members of your family, suffer from any hereditary illnesses?
It is important to get checked for any hereditary illnesses that run in your family to ensure that you do not have it and if you do, be able to prepare for whatever it may be.
15. Does depression or drug abuse run in your family?
Determining if there is something that may affect your mental health before it becomes a bigger issue is important so that steps can be taken to handle the illness.
16. Is your home free of trip and fall hazards?
For older adults, having a flat and open concept style in your home can help ensure that a dangerous or even deadly fall will not occur.
17. Do you own a pet that has been known to bite or attack?
If you own a pet, make sure that they are not aggressive towards other humans, but if they are, make sure to prevent any unnecessary encounters by using a muzzle or keeping them away from other people to avoid any conflict.
18. Do you have all of your important personal documents and records on hand in a secure place, such as a desk, file cabinet, or safe deposit box? (Birth and marriage certificates, adoption, divorce, naturalization, immigration, and military discharge papers, etc.)
In case of an emergency, it is important to have all important documents in one secure place where it is easy to remember and to grab them if and when need be.
19. Do you have basic legal documents that direct what happens to your assets when you die (such as a will or trust)?
In the event of the death of the heads of the household, it is important to have written documentation of who will take over the assets. If you’d like to include United Way as part of your trust, contact Lisa Groves for a free consultation.
20. Do you have the basic legal documents to designate who will make personal decisions and handle your financial affairs in the event you are unable to do this for yourself (such as a financial power of attorney and a health care power of attorney)?
In the same circumstance of the head of household being unable to make these decisions, having someone you trust to help make the arrangements that you would have wanted is important in financial and life or death situations.
Scoring for Preparedness
Give Yourself 1 Point for Answering Yes to Questions |
Give Yourself 1 Point for Answering No to |
Give Yourself 1 Point for the Following Answer |
1 |
12 |
4 |
If you answered Yes to question 4 and they are stored securely. |
2 |
13 |
5 |
3 |
16 |
6 |
7 |
18 |
10 |
8 |
19 |
14 |
9 |
20 |
15 |
11 |
17 |
Your Grade
A = 20-18 points B = 17-15 points C = 14-12 points D = 11-9 points F = 8 and below

How else can you make your family, friends, and pets safer?
The score you receive based on your answers is a good way to determine if you are preparing for the unexpected situations that may occur in life. By being prepared, it ends up costing less money and saving more lives. Unexpected life situations could have the potential to put people into debt or a financial crisis. Being prepared can prevent and even end the cycle of poverty. Some situations may not be preventable, but they can be prepared for through learning about financial literacy. That is why Valley of the Sun United Way trains financial coaches to use this assessment with their clients to personalize their goals and needs. For more information about our free financial coaching training, click learn more below.
Source Reference: Central New Mexico Community College’s Financial Coaching Training