Why Missing School Is A Big Deal

Show Up For Our Students During Attendance Awarenss Month

Getting a solid education starts with students showing up – physically and mentally. Chronic absenteeism is higher among children who live in high poverty areas; which means not all children have the same chance to succeed in school.

Why It Matters

  • Nationwide, at least one out of ten students misses a month of school every year.
  • When a student misses 18 or more days of school, that’s called chronic abesnteesim. A red alert that the student is headed for academic trouble and eventually dropping out of high school.
  • If chronic abesence continues, some students may have missed over half a year of instruction by third grade.
  • 3/4 of students who are chronically absent in 6th grade will dropout of high school.
  • A student who is chronically absent in high school is 7.4 times more likely to dropout.

The good news, it’s a problem we can solve.

Check out this video our friends at AttendanceWorks to see what you can do.

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