You Are Not Alone

There are many individuals and families struggling in Arizona every day with one fifth of Arizonans living in poverty. They may be hungry, homeless, in need of financial help, or having temporary problems because of unexpected circumstances. No matter what the reason may be, there are helping hands around, ready to get you back on your feet. Take a look at these top three resources available to everyone.

Project Connect

When people experience homelessness and live in poverty, one problem can affect other areas of life and cause a cycle of other problems making it nearly impossible to address what started the problem to begin with. That’s why Valley of the Sun United Way started Project Connect.

At Project Connect, you can get connected to multiple human services programs and assistance to improve your situation all in one place in one day. Guests receive a free meal, access to clothing, professional services from the MVD, hair stylists, supportive housing representatives and many other resources.

This event gives an easy way for people to get the assistance they need without the struggle of visiting multiple locations.

For more information or a schedule of upcoming Project Connect locations, click here.


With the 2-1-1 community information and referral service, a simple phone call can connect you to the right people for your situation. The representatives can provide a way for you to find answers to issues with paying the bills, housing, employment services, veteran and military services and more.

To get connected to health and human services in Arizona, just dial 2-1-1 or click here to visit the website for more information.

WeekEnd Hunger Backpacks

In Arizona, 28% of children live in food insecure homes. This means these kids may only eat regular meals while they are at school. The WeekEnd Hunger Backpack program was started by Valley of the Sun United Way to provide some of these students with meals to take home and last them through the weekend. The elementary schools we currently partner with include:

  • Balsz
  • Brunson-Lee
  • David Crockett
  • Dunbar
  • Griffith
  • Heard
  • Justine Spitalny
  • Palm Lane
  • Frank

If your child’s school isn’t on this list and you are looking for a way to get food to your family, the Association of Arizona Food Banks website can help you find a food bank near you.

For more information, call 602.631.4800 or email
